What is Rub n’ Roll?
‘Rub n’ Roll is a cheap, effective, and readily reusable device to apply a thin layer oil to the skin, while at the same time massaging the problem zones. It is designed to be placed on the top of a commercially available roll-on bottle.’
The Australian innovation patent No 2019101191

Rub n’ Roll improves dramatically your skin and body conditions:
• Purposefully stimulating skin by its synchronous massaging and oiling in target areas
• Gentle for your skin because Rub n’ Roll’s tines made of elastically-deformable silicon
• Transferring small but sufficient amounts of CBD and other oils through your skin

Rub n’ Roll is simple and efficient:
• Can be used at home or in the office, during traveling, even in a tub or shower
• When finished using Rub n’ roll, you may clean and rinse it by running water
• It has tines shaped for different wellness concerns

Rub n’ Roll is patented and evidence-based
• Improve your mood and sleep
• Alleviate muscle pain and reduce spasms
• No skin problems and wrinkles – look and feel younger
Self-massage with Rub n’ Roll and oils is a revolutionary method to improve dramatically your mind and body conditions
Next-generation digital services supplying with Rub n’ Roll, create new values for you
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